You’ve been working hard all morning, your brain feels fried and it’s not even lunch time.

You need a mental break to get your creative juices flowing again.

I’ve got 3 completely goofy sites that are fun and require absolutely no brain function. These sites are the opposite of serious.

All you need is a picture of yourself and you can have so much fun. I hope these sites offer your brain a wonderful break in your day. Enjoy!

1. Simpsonize Me
Have fun creating yourself to look like a Simpson. This is one of those sites that you’ll play around with for 15 minutes but you won’t admit it to anyone. Have fun!

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2. Yearbook Yourself
I tried this site and it’s so much fun. In 30 seconds, I had a yearbook photo of myself (above) that looks exactly like my high school yearbook photo. This site is very cute. You’ll have a lot of fun messing around with this. I’ve even seen some people use this photo as their avatar on Twitter.

3. Santa Swing
This site is very similar to the very popular It is just brainless fun.

This is a copy of my Santa swing video (yes, in case you are wondering, the role of Santa is being played by @jwoon888)


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